Peer Review

I have reviewed Poetry by Group 5, and I believe they have some excellent features in their interactive learning resource but are also missing certain sections that are required in the resource outline.

Beginning with the overview of the topics, the resource has clearly defined what topics it will cover and what sub-topics are included in each topic. One clear design choice that I believe is exceptionally well-chosen is the format of the sub-topics. For example, in the following image, the content is laid out in three sections: Description, Example, and Try. All sub-topics follow a similar structure, and I believe that the consistency within each sub-topic helps the learner by keeping the content in a digestible format.

A sub-topic “Alliteration” in the main topic “Introduction to Literary Devices”

Another excellent design choice is the placement of activities and assessments. In the following image, it can be seen that after introducing a topic, there is an activity that requires the learner to recall the information from the previous modules. For example, the Kahoot learning activity only includes information from the “Introduction to Literary Devices” topic, and the Google quiz activity only includes information from the “Types of Poetry” topic. The last activity, “Analyzing Poems, ” combines knowledge from both sections before the final assessment of creating your own poem.

The overview for the Poetry interactive learning resource

While the content of the Poetry interactive learning resource is well designed, it lacks some of the requirements that are listed in the outline. Below is a list of requirements that have not been met in the current version of the resource.

  • A description and rationale for the learning theory
  • A description and rationale for the learning design
  • A description of the learning context
  • An overview of plans to design for the inclusion of diverse learners
  • A rationale for technology choices
  • A bibliography or reference list

After including the information from the above list, I believe this resource will be beneficial for teaching others the basics of poetry!

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